


哥國警惕 絕不能擺烏龍

〔自由時報記者趙新天/綜合報導〕人人都知道,今年哥倫比亞致勝關鍵就是中場主力J.羅德里奎斯,尤其要小心他的左腳。但哥國球員最需要擔心的就是不小心造成烏龍球!哥倫比亞創紀錄晉級8強,但球員得先擔心在不該發生的時候出現烏龍球,因為20年前,哥國球員艾斯科巴在世界盃對戰地主美國時就踢進烏龍球,最後以1:2落敗。球隊返國時,艾斯科巴還主動提醒隊友,短時間內不要隨意出門,沒想到他卻在夜間去了酒吧,在停車場被兩名球迷認出,雙方發生爭吵,艾斯科巴身中6槍慘死。時隔20年,哥倫比亞雖踢出空前佳績,但在緊要關頭除了期待J羅能再演奇蹟,更得記取歷史教訓,別讓烏龍球上身。 Description Toggle View View View View View View View View View View View View View View View View View View View View View View View View View View View View View View 1 - 25 / 30 A man holds a banner that reads "Cup dirty with blood" next to a bridge that collapsed while under construction in Belo Horizonte, July 3, 2014. The unfinished overpass collapsed in the Brazilian ... 較多A man holds a banner that reads "Cup dirty with blood" next to a bridge that collapsed while under construction in Belo Horizonte, July 3, 2014. The unfinished overpass collapsed in the Brazilian World Cup host city of Belo Horizonte on Thursday, killing at least one person and casting a shadow over a tournament that has suffered repeated construction accidents and delays. REUTERS/Ivan Alvarado (BRAZIL - Tags: SPORT SOCCER WORLD CUP DISASTER TRANSPORT CIVIL UNREST) 較少 1 / 30 Reuters | 拍攝者 IVAN ALVARADO / REUTERS 2014年7月4日週五 台北標準時間上午9時30分 Share to Facebook Share to Twitter Share to Pinterest Close Previous imageNext image

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